Who I am?

I think a lot of us have asked ourselves this question at some point. We take different roles, step up to different challenges and present us in different ways in different situations — we all try to define us.

The facts are important when it comes to defining us — the job we hold, the neighborhood we live, the book we read, or even the person we marry, yet they are all fluid to a certain degree and most of time they are simply the external expression of the internal motive.

We are what we believe.

I believe in being curious and being vocal. I appreciate the beauty and the unknown of this world. I like to observe, to feel, to talk and to express. To explore beyond the boundaries and to make a positive impact are what motivate me in life.

Right now, right here, I try to take a new role — a writer. I feel gratitude that you will join me on this journey. There are two parallel stories: Machu Picchu to the left (21 chapters) and Lantau Sunset to the right (21 chapters). The first one followed the timeline of the first few months when I left my previous job and the second one followed the timeline of the last few months when I started my new job.

Enjoy the ride! And I would love to hear from you!

IG: cedaringmoment